Wednesday, October 20, 2004

past, present and future

got this from surver friendster [one of those things that you just can't avoid]. i love that way it's presented to so i decided to post it here.


10 Years Ago...
1. i was in grade 5
2. i participated in an interschool choric interpretation [the bells, by edgar allan poe]
3. i joined in the math-olympics and interschool science fair.
4. i was a little chubby

5 Years Ago..
1. i was a senior in high school
2. i selected advance biology as my elective class

3. i was a member of the high school glee club
4. i was out of control

3 Years Ago, I...
1. was a college sophomore
2. started a habit [smoking]
3. participated in a class play
4. was happy

A Year Ago, I...
1. was a college senior
2. started to experience quarterlife crisis
3. screwed up my life real bad!!
4. decided that i'm better of stoic

This Year I...
1. found a job
2. met new friends
3. started to hate indians
4. realized that there's no point crying over spilled milk

Yesterday, I...
1. felt like i had PMS
2. had to go to work really early
3. got my 1st QA score for the week
4. ate kwek-kwek and chicken balls along paseo de roxas

Today, I...
1. feel tired
2. want to go home
3. don't want to take any more calls
4. want to die!!!

Tomorrow I will...
1. go to work, AGAIN!!
2. have hot white chocolate at starbucks
3. try my best to update my blog
4. try my best to enjoy life

Monday, October 04, 2004

how soon is now

i was on my way to work when two fagstags sat at the empty seat behind me. i wasn't quite sure as to what they were talking about but a certain part of their conversation caught my attention. one of them was actually asking the other the chorus part of "how soon is now," a song originally performed by The Smith's, then covered by Love Spit Love for "the craft - OST" then by t.A.t.U. to ruin the lives of people who actually love the song. first time i heard it was when WB used it as the opening theme song for Charmed and fell i totally fell in love with it. if you try to read between the lines, you find out that there's more to it than just a catchy tune.

How Soon Is Now
by Love Spit Love

I am the son
and I'm the hier
of a shyness
that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and heir
of nothing inparticular

you shut your mouth
how can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am human and I need to be loved
just like everybody else does

I am the son
and I'm the hier
of a shyness
that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and hier
of nothing inparticular

you shut your mouth
how can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am human and I need to be loved
just like everybody else does

there's a club if you'd like to go
you could meet someone who really loves you
so you go and you stand on your own
and you leave on your own
and you go home and you cry and you want to die

when you say it's gonna happen now
when exactly do you mean?
see i've already waited too long
and all my hope is gone

Friday, October 01, 2004

no adult companion, no fair!!!

it's 3 o' clock in the morning and i'm two hours away from going home. i haven't had any decent sleep for the past couple of days and today is no exception. after work, i have to go to ateneo to accompany my 6 year old nephew to his 1st school fair. and rule for prep students: NO ADULT COMPANION, NO FAIR!! my sister couldn't make it because she's up against a deadline and my parents will be out of town. His dad has to work as well which leaves tito ardee as the most obvious choice!! It's been a while since i've been to a fair and more often than not, they are generally fun. i'm not quite sure though as to how it will go if you're tagging along a 6 year old kid. makes me feel like kate hudson in raising helen [watched the movie.. wasn't all that bad].

anyway, i'm actually 8 days away from turning 21 [yes, i'm officially moving one tick box up when filling out forms]. what i hate about it is i'm actually turning into one of those into-his-early-twenties people. not that it's bad but i find it unacceptable!! [no pun intended] can't i just say that i'm just 19 years old ... [pause] and 24 months old? wouldn't that be politically correct anyway?

san miguel will be holding OCTOBERFEST's opening tonight at meralco ave and i can't go becuase of my work schedule. as tempted as i am to call in, i really don't want to because it could really affect my schedule adherance and i don't want to be in the bottom part of the list again next time the company holds a shift bid. i was lucky enough that nobody wanted the shift that i bade for, otherwise, i would have gotten a shift which had days off on a weekday.

i think i've written just about enough, i've been typing for over an hour now [at the same time, taking calls.. by the way, my conversion for today's not bad.. at least i was able to end the month with a good conversion rate]. It's time to log-off now and head home. i'll try to take a nap when i get home so i won't feel so tired when go to the fair. i'll just keep you posted if something comes up..